Modeling the VVS

Flight Sim Skinner's Page

Many of our readers will no doubt be familiar with the superb flight simulation games Il-2, and Il-2 Forgotten Battles. This flight simulation is the very fine work of Oleg Maddox's development team at 1C Games, and distributed by UbiSoft. As well, there are other flight sims which feature VVS aircraft of the GPW period. And, no doubt more still which offer 'unofficial' patches or modifications for these aircraft.

Many simulation games allow users to create their own aircraft artwork files. These files are known as 'skins' (due to the fact that they wrap around a wire-frame 3-D model). Creating these skins is a bit like modeling, in fact, but in a digital sense.

Therefore, we at the Modeling the VVS site are delighted to participate in this type of "digital modeling". Indeed, Erik has created some skins for the Il-2 flight sim, and these can be found on the "" website.

In fact, so good a resource is this site, that we recommend it unconditionally. All of the skins created by the various authors featured on this page can be found here.

It is not our intention to also post the same skins on this page; why be redundant with our efforts? Rather, we would like to host here a place for discussion specifically about VVS sim skinning-- resources, templates, discussion, advice, help, and so on. All things related to making flight sim skins for VVS aircraft of the GPW era.

Sim skinners and those interested in skinning, welcome!

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