
Ermolaev Er-2


Er-2Bert Reynaud  ). Amodel Yermolaev Er-2 in 1/72 scale.

Er-2Bill Wofford ). "This is the Amodel Yermolaev Er-2 in 1/72 scale. The kit parts have very nice engraved scribing and very fine, almost microscopic, rivet lines. They also have varying amounts of flash and almost all the parts need some clean up. Building the kit requires ample amounts of putty, sandpaper and persistence, however it is not nearly as bad as some of their earlier kits like the La-250. The bombadiers greenhouse is a bit too narrow for the fuselage and the pilots canopy is a bit too wide and required several layers of putty to get it faired in. The kit includes a detailed bomb bay complete with bombs, however I decided not to add that to the kit due in part to the extra amount of work that would have been required to get the extra parts to fit. I used White Ensign Models AMT 11 & 12 on the top of the fuselage and black on the bottom. The decals all came from the kit. The kit required many months of work but I was pleased with the outcome."