An early I-153 M-62 of the 56 IAP, taken from a photo in M. Maslov's collection. The finish consisted of hand-applied
disruptive bands of AEh-15 over AEh-9.
Indeed, it is exactly this type
of segmented, or 'banded', application of camouflage in Khalkin-Gol (as
opposed to the myriad other forms) in which we are interested, so far
as our subject is concerned. There are a few known images in the
photographic record showing this type of field applied camouflage.
Invariably, such images were of German origin, showing machines which
were downed or abandoned. The fact that we rarely see Soviet produced
photographs with such schemes in view highlights the extemporaneous
nature of these applications.

Crashed SB demonstrating what looks to be Manchurian styled appliqué camouflage
An unknown Pe-2 with a three-colour field applied scheme. Once again, the favoured Khalkin-Gol
colours of AEh-9 and AEh-15 appear to have been used over a base of A2 Green.
In these two photographs we see what one might refer to as 'Manchurian
influenced' camouflage. The SB looks to have been finished either in
AEh-9-- or perhaps AEh-8-- lacquer, with areas of a darker colour
applied in segments over this. German images are notoriously difficult
to analyse, but we can say that the tone of this darker
colour certainly suggests
(in any case) the appearance of AEh-15 Green. The 'angular' nature of
the appliqué is in keeping with several Khalkin-Gol examples,
appearing not only on local SBs but also an R-5 and an I-152 (for
The crashed Pe-2 demonstarates a three-colour permutation of this idea.
The base colour on the machine looks to be the usual AII Green finish,
with areas of what certainly look like AEh-9 and AEh-15 applied over
this. The patternation and application are certainly local, and
interestingly similar to our subject, "White 24". Note the very
sharp colour demarcations.
White 24
Pe-2 "White 24" looks to have been photographed some time after its
demise. The paintwork is suffering in some places-- revealing mid-tone
characteristics underneath-- and the fabric looks to be missing from
the various control surfaces. However, the three-colour scheme in view
is again of decidedly Khalkin-Gol influence. The finishes used in the
appliqué work on "24" look again to have been AEh-9 and AEh-15,
these used in a bit more 'organic' patternation more in keeping with
usual VVS practices. The colour demarcations were again quite hard.
It has been suggested that the darker colour around the number "24"
could represent a fourth colour. This is possible, of course, but in my
judgement this appearance is agreement with that of the centrally
applied darker area. The slight shift in tone could be explained by
myriad causes, not least of all problems on the image, or by a slightly
more opaque application of paint on that section of the aircraft. Most
likely, however, the red lens filter has simply amplified the
contrast of the tones over the lighter section of the scheme, as such a
device would be expected to do.
"White 24" as photographed by German forces. No date for the photo is given, but one might assume 'autumn 1941'
as a likely possibility.