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Yak-9K 'Big Gun'

by Peter Vill

When I saw the excellent article on "Big Gun YAKs" by Erik on the site I just fell in love with "White 86". One e-mail later and I knew the decals were on their way.

The model used is the excellent 1/48 scaleYAK-9 (DD, T, K) by ICM. The model was built as per my previous article on the YAK-9T which was posted on the VVS site last year with a few additions.

I decided that to do this lovely looking aircraft justice I would have a go at replacing all the interior detail along with a few external bits and pieces. All interior detail was removed and the fuselage frame work replaced using plastic rod, all other detail was made using plastic card, spare parts from my collection and finally some bits from the "Parts" photo etched set (available in the UK from Pol Models). Externally I drilled out the fuel gauges mounted in each wing and replaced them with a circle of clear plastic card, under this I used a decal from the "Re-Heat" range to represent the gauge. Radio mast was made from Brass filed to shape and size and the canopy was replaced with a vac form item by "Falcon".

The model was finished using paint supplied by some one who has become a very good friend (Erik Pilawski) and weathered in my normal fashion (see previous articles), it must be said that the paint was excellent. To be honest the photos do not do this model justice. I now have a YAK-9K to add to my collection and although I am not normally attracted to single

colour schemes, I believe that the YAK-9K "White 86" carries it very well and is in every aspect a beautiful looking Aircraft.

If any one is in the UK during August and would like to see "White 86" in the flesh, then if you can, call into the Avon IPMS Annual Modelling Show at Yate near Bristol, Show date August 19th, we are quite a friendly bunch as Erik will testify and there are some really excellent modellers amongst them, I am hoping that during the year you will all get a chance to see some of their work on this site.