Roger Rasor's 1/72nd Yak-3

1/72nd Hasegawa Yak-3. Hasegawa really missed many details, provided a bare bones cockpit and included no wheel well detail. I scratched a complete cockpit and wheel well details with stretched sprue, Evergreen styrene and wire. You can see some of the scratch-built cockpit details in the attached JPEG images. The seat back armor glass was scratched from clear styrene, as was the gun sight. The gun sight bracket is lead wire and the antenna wire that goes through the rear canopy section is a piece of 2# monofilament fishing line. I'll send you a view of the underside to show the wheel well detail that I added. Much of the surface detail was altered and re-scribed.

The model took second place in the Allied single prop 1/72 scale category at the Nationals.